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K-5 Computer Science
NSF Award #1837380


Preparing K-5 Teachers to Integrate the Computer Science Standards of Learning in Inclusive Classrooms to Support Students with High Incidence Disabilities



​​Researchers will generate and implement a usable, comprehensive model of professional development to support K-5 computer science integration in elementary instruction for all learners, with an emphasis on supporting students with high-incidence disabilities (i.e., learning disabilities, emotional or behavioral disorders, mild intellectual disability, high-functioning autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder).



​​To create this model, researchers will work in partnership with a large public school district in Virginia. School personnel will use a Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR) process to refine an effective professional development model to support elementary teachers in inclusive classrooms in integrating recently mandated computer science standards into math, science, and literacy instruction in ways accessible to students with high-incidence disabilities.



How do multiple stakeholders collaboratively refine and develop effective and sustainable professional development related to the integration of computer science in K-5 inclusive classrooms to support students with high incidence disabilities?


Computer Class



For this project, we developed a set of lessons plans for grades K-5 with the Universal Design for Learning Framework that use foundational literacy concepts to teach computational thinking and provide an introduction to coding.



  • Hutchison, A., & Evmenova, A. (2022). Planning Computer Science Instruction for Students With High-Incidence Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 57(4), 262-267. DOI: 10.1177/10534512211024939

  • Hutchison, A. Colwell, J., Gutierrez, K., Evmenova, A., Offutt, J., & Gross, M. (2022). Evaluating the role of professional development on elementary teachers’ knowledge, comfort, and beliefs related to teaching computer science to students with high-incidence disabilities. Journal of Research on Technology in Education.

  • Hutchison, A., Colwell, J., Gutierrez, K., Evmenova, A., Offutt, J. & Taylor, V. (2021). Designing a Model of Computer Science Professional Development for Elementary Educators in Inclusive Settings. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 29(2), 165-193.




  • Hutchison, A., Offut, J., Colwell, J., Evmenova, A., & Gutierrez, K. (2022). Understanding how elementary teachers respond to a model of professional development for integrating computer science into instruction. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, San Diego, CA

  • Hutchison, A., Colwell, J., Evmenova, A., Gutierrez, K., & Offutt, J.  (2022). The effects of the inclusive computer science model of professional development on teachers’ beliefs and implementation of computer science for students with high-incidence disabilities. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Instructional Technology in Teacher Education, San Diego, CA

  • Hutchison, A. & Colwell, J. (2021). Understanding teachers’ perceptions about students with disabilities and computational thinking: A means to creating more inclusive pathways. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA

  • Hutchison, A. & Colwell, J. (2021). Understanding the effectiveness of a model of professional development for integrating computer science into literacy instruction in inclusive elementary classrooms. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA

  • Gutierrez, K. S., Hutchison, A., Colwell, J., Offutt, J., & Evmenova, A. (2021, September, Accepted). Using Design-Based Research to Establish an Effective Professional Development Model for Integrating Computer Science into Elementary Classrooms. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Association for Science Teacher Education, Blowing Rock, NC

  • Hutchison, A., Colwell, J., & Taylor, V. (2020, December). Results of a design-based implementation research study of how elementary teachers respond to a model of professional development for integrating computer science into literacy instruction. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association

  • Taylor, V., Vardas-Doane, A., Colwell, J. & Hutchison, A. C. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) Examining elementary teachers' perceptions of integrating computer science in k–5 instruction [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)

  • Hutchison, A., Colwell, J., Laughlin, L, Taylor, V., Vardas-Doane, A. (2019). Designing a model of professional development to prepare K-5 teachers to integrate computer science into literacy instruction. Roundtable paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL

  • Hutchison, A. (2019, October). Preparing K-5 teachers to integrate the computer science standards of learning in inclusive classrooms to support students with high-incidence disabilities. Ignite talk presented at the Connected Learning Summit, Irvine, CA

  • Gutierrez, K., Hutchison, A., Colwell, J., Evmenova, A., Offut, J. (2019, September). Developing a professional development model for integrating computer science into core content areas for all K-5 learners. Roundtable paper presented at the conference of the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Science Teacher Education, Pipestem, WV



Amy Hutchison
George Mason University
Principal Investigator


Anna Evmenova
George Mason University
Co-Principal Investigator


Jeff Offutt
George Mason University
Principal Investigator

Kristie-S-Gutierrez-Headshot (1).jpg

Kristie Gutierrez
Old Dominion University
Principal Investigator


Jamie Colwell
Old Dominion University
Principal Investigator

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